Submission Preparation Checklist
All submissions must meet the following requirements.
- The submission must meet the requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines. To streamline the submission process and avoid any avoidable hiccups, please review the following checklist before sending your manuscript:
- Manuscript Formatting: We accept manuscripts submitted in Microsoft Word (.docx). Use Arial font size 12pt for body , 14pt for section heading 16pt for main title. Use 1.5 Line spacing.
- Originality: Confirm that your work is original and has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration. Duplicate submissions are as unwelcome as a soggy biscuit.
- Title and Abstract: Your title should be engaging yet descriptive, and your abstract should succinctly summarise the main points of your research. Abstract should be 250 words with sections clearly marked (introduction, methods, results/findings, conclusion & implications)
- Keywords: Provide a set of 5-6 keywords that capture the essence of your study.
- Figures and Tables: Ensure that all visual aids are clearly labelled, of high quality, and referenced appropriately within the text. To ensure accessibility please include Alt text and captions for all images. Submit images as PNG or JPEG format.
- References: Use APA 7th edition referencing style. Accuracy here is key – much like spotting the difference between aubergine and eggplant!
- Permissions: Permission has been obtained to publish all photos, datasets and other material provided with this submission.
- Authorship and Declarations: Include complete details of all contributing authors and specify their contributions, alongside any declarations of conflict of interest or funding acknowledgements.
- Supplementary Material: If applicable, attach any additional data or appendices that support your work.
Use of Generative AI
- At The Human Occupation & Wellbeing Journal we appreciate the innovative spark that artificial intelligence can bring to the research and writing process. However, as with any potent tool, its use must be transparent and responsibly managed. We therefore require that these technologies should only be used to improve readability and language of the work and not used to replace researcher's tasks such data analysis and interpretation. Where authors have used generative AI, they should provide sufficient detail in the methods section to enable replication of the approach including the tool used, version, and prompts where applicable. Editors may decline to proceed with a manuscript if generative AI has been used inappropriately.
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All articles published in The Human Occupation & Wellbeing Journal are open access and licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Licence (CC BY). This means that while the copyright remains with the original author(s), anyone is free to share, adapt, and redistribute the work in any medium, provided that proper credit is given to the author(s) and the source. By publishing with us, you empower your research to reach a global audience, promote academic collaboration, and inspire further innovation—all while keeping the rights firmly in your hands.
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