About the Journal

Ethos statement

Guided by the spirit of Unhu/Ubuntu, The Human Occupation & Wellbeing Journal champions diverse voices to illuminate the reciprocal relationship between human occupation and wellbeing, revelling how each continuously shapes and transforms the other across diverse contexts. HOWJ is built from an uncolonised perspective—a system that is rooted in humanity and cultural humility.


Our journal is a forum for rigorous academic debate and a space where critical perspectives and innovative insights challenge prevailing assumptions and  bridge critical gaps in occupational science and occupational therapy ways of knowing and doing - all in service of driving positive change for humanity (Unhu/Ubuntu). Whether you specialise in occupational science, occupational therapy, public health, allied health professions, disability studies, mental health, lifespan research, public policy, anthropology, sociology, politics or any other discipline that examines the relationship between everyday human occupations and wellbeing, we are keen to hear your voice.

We invite contributions that not only advance theory but most importantly drive real-world positive change. To potential authors, we say: the fire has been lit- let's gather around and share our stories freely for the the betterment of the collective wellbeing of our communities and societies.


We welcome submissions that specifically address the link between human occupation and health, including but not limited to:

  • Investigations into how daily human occupations (activities) influence and are influenced by physical, emotional, social, and spiritual wellbeing.
  • Studies that explore theoretical frameworks, empirical findings, and methodological innovations on the interplay between everyday occupations and overall quality of life and wellbeing.
  • Critical examinations of current practices and models within fields related to human occupation, with an emphasis on identifying and addressing shortcomings in the delivery of care and support.
  • Analyses that challenge and reassess prevailing approaches, aiming to align practical interventions more closely with foundational philosophies on human occupation.
  • The intersection of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and human occupation, including the development of AI-powered tools and their effects on individual and collective wellbeing.
  • Contributions that foreground the ethos of ubuntu, emphasizing shared humanity, belonging, interconnectedness, and community as key elements in understanding and improving wellbeing.
  • Evidence on scientific mechanisms and pathways by which human occupation either positively or negatively influcence wellbeing of individuals and communities
  • Papers proposing innovative strategies, interventions, or models to transform existing practices and promote a more holistic, inclusive approach to enhancing wellbeing through everyday occupations.

If your research spotlights the powerful connection between human occupations and wellbeing —then join us in our mission to illuminate the intricacies.

Frequency of Publication

This journal publishes online quarterly (four issues per year)

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Licensing and Copyright

All articles published in this journal are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Authors retain copyright of their work.


This journal utilizes the LOCKSS and CLOCKSS systems to ensure long-term digital preservation. Additionally, all articles are archived in indexing services such as Google Scholar and Crossref.

Editorial and Peer Review Process

This journal operates a double peer-review system, ensuring that all submissions are reviewed by at least two independent experts in the field. The journal follows ethical publishing guidelines in accordance with COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics).

Article Processing Charges (APCs)

This journal does not charge authors any submission or publication fees.

Conflict of interest disclosure

At howj, any manuscript submitted by an editor or board member is managed independently by a designated editor who recuses themselves from the process. The submission undergoes the same rigorous, blinded peer review as all other manuscripts, and a clear disclosure is published with the article to confirm its independent handling. This policy, aligned with COPE guidelines, is regularly reviewed to ensure transparency and uphold our commitment to editorial integrity.

All contributors (authors, reviewers, editors, and editorial board members) must disclose any financial, personal, or professional relationships that could potentially influence the content or interpretation of their work.  This includes any funding, consultancy fees, stock options, or other support received from organisations related to the manuscript's subject matter.  If no such relationships exist, please state: "The author(s) declare no conflicts of interest."  This transparency is essential for informing our readers and upholding the integrity of the peer review and publication process.

Book Reviews

Authors and publishers are encouraged to submit review copies of their recent related books. Received books will be listed as Books Received within the journal's Announcements section. For inquiries about sending your review copies please contact us on: admin@howj.org

Announcements and Advertisements 

Announcements regarding academic activities such as conferences are published for free in the Announcements section of the journal. For inquiries about sending your announcements or advertisements please contact us on: admin@howj.org